Top 10k strings from Lord of the Rings - Beginner (1986)(Melbourne House).z80
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [Z80] /
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1 xxx@@@@8(hh 1 don't be silly. 1 ____K<@2@2@)???? 1 ^$N&(3l6$<FR 1 \P?#(H AX_1(?$I 1 START TAPE THEN PRESS ANY KEY 1 PI#IDPI#EN 1 LfEmFlFlFlB 1 G```` `bb 1 A!@)@#A1@?> 1 @@@@hhhooh 1 @#!d_#:(0"q 1 8ZPO39JM%q 1 8<<<< # 1 8888`` ''' ``` 1 88((((//88((/*///(88//((((88 1 2""200088@ 1 1l39@eMnVs_ 1 $9\@O4:]0?"r 1 LOAD ERROR RETRY